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Book about Pharmaceutical Medicine

Sep 20, 2022

Book about Pharmaceutical Medicine

I have previously introduced Osaka University’s new PharmaTrain education course in an article about recurrent programs.

An industry where it is essential to keep learning

The professor who helped us in that course has just informed us that the first introductory book for acquiring systematic knowledge of pharmaceutical medicine in Japan has been published.

Introduction to Pharmaceutical Medicine Maximizing the Value of Pharmaceuticals

The book contains the most up-to-date information at this time in pharmaceutical regulations and health care economics, etc. We hope that those involved in pharmaceutical-related work will take a look at the book.

I do not have a pharmacy degree or experience working in a pharmaceutical company, but I feel that by taking this course, I am learning more smoothly the background circumstances that I need to understand in the work of the biotech start-up company that I am currently involved with.