my business

Logo and firm name registered as trademarks.

Aug 4, 2022

Logo and firm name registered as trademarks.

My law school’s spring and summer semesters have successfully completed and will be on summer break until September 20, when classes begin for the fall and winter semesters.

However, since the new subjects will start in the fall/winter semester, I will have to prepare for them during the summer vacation. In addition, the exam results for the spring and summer semesters will be released in late August, so it will be a long but short summer break (during the break, I would like to work more heavily than usual).

I am pleased to announce that the trademark for the logo and firm name that I use on this blog and on my firm’s website has been successfully applied for and registered.

Although I am a patent attorney myself, I found it a bit time-consuming to obtain an identification number as an applicant, so I used Toreru to file my application. The application procedure went very smoothly, and I was impressed that they have created such an innovative system.

I was thinking that the creation of such a system will help to diversify the way people work so that sole proprietors and small business owners will be able to register their trademarks and protect their businesses in a good way.