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Availability of Corona Antigen Test Kits

Aug 27, 2022

Availability of Corona Antigen Test Kits

Recently, in light of the rapid spread of infection in Japan, I was finally able to obtain a corona antigen test kit (medical antigen test kit) for in vitro diagnostic use at a pharmacy.

Test kits approved under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (labeled as in vitro diagnostic products) were available at the pharmacy with an explanation from the pharmacist. The explanation from the pharmacist was actually just a tablet showing an explanatory video from the manufacturer.

You can check the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website below for information on the approval of corona antigen test kits for in vitro diagnostic products.

Approval information for in vitro diagnostic products (test kits) for covid-19

2. Antigen testing methods

If it is on the list of “2. Antigen testing methods”, it means that it is an approved in vitro diagnostic test kit.

You can also check the following MHLW website for a list of pharmacies where you can purchase medical antigen test kits.

List of pharmacies handling medical antigen test kits

In addition, medical antigen test kits will be available for purchase online in Japan in the near future. There is a big difference in performance between research-use and medical-use antigen test kits, so those who have been buying them online thinking that they are medical-use kits should be careful that they are not research-use kits.